
Help us keep the online community safe by reporting scammers. We currently handle reports manually through our Facebook page.

Report a Scammer

If you have encountered a scammer, please follow these steps to report them:

  1. Go to our Facebook page.
  2. Send us a direct message with the details of the scam, including any relevant information such as:
    • Name of the scammer
    • Email address or phone number
    • Description of the scam
    • Any screenshots or evidence you have
  3. Our team will review your report and take the necessary actions to help prevent further scams.

Report a False profile Listing

If you believe a legitimate profile has been mistakenly marked as spam, please let us know:

  1. Visit our Facebook page.
  2. Send us a direct message with the details of the profile id or name
  3. Our team will investigate and take appropriate action to correct any errors.

We appreciate your vigilance and cooperation in making the internet a safer place for everyone.